Over Labor Day weekend I went on a 6-day adventure involving car camping, foraging, hiking, scrambling, and a 120 mile bike ride home with camping gear in the BOB trailer. The featured destination was Lime Ridge, a place I hadn’t been to since a Boy Scout hike maybe 20 years ago. There is not much… Continue reading Box Mt Lakes and Lime Ridge
Category: Biking
Biking the Snoqualmie Tree Farm
Last weekend I hopped on my bike with camping gear in tow and went for a weekend jaunt out to the Snoqualmie Tree Farm. Starting at home in the Rainier Valley, I rode all the way out to the tree farm via the I-90 trail, Preston-Snoqualmie Trail, Snoqualmie Valley Trail, and various back roads. That… Continue reading Biking the Snoqualmie Tree Farm
Mt. Phelps Bagged
My Mount Phelps trip was a rousing success! Pictures are here. I biked from SE Seattle to almost the end of the North Fork Snoqualmie Road pretty much per the Google bike directions. This route worked well except for the jaunt through Snoqualmie Ridge; the trail connecting the Preston-Snoqualmie Trail to Snoqualmie Ridge is quite… Continue reading Mt. Phelps Bagged
Mt. Phelps or Bust
I am currently on my way to climb Mt. Phelps, using only human power to get there from home. Mt. Phelps (incorrectly named “McClain Peaks” on Google and USGS maps) is a prominent dome-shaped peak clearly visible east of Seattle. I have had my eye on this peak for a while and it took some… Continue reading Mt. Phelps or Bust
Successful Ride to Idaho
I successfully rode about 250 miles from Blewett Pass to Coeur d’Alene, ID. The route I took wasn’t exactly the one that I originally planned. Unfortunately the Google directions took me through some gnarly and questionable back roads, so I ended up mainly sticking to Highway 2. Here’s the three-day account: Wednesday In the morning,… Continue reading Successful Ride to Idaho
Idaho or Bust
I am currently headed east towards Sandpoint, ID with my bike and BOB trailer. It’s a little early to ride over the mountains, so I coerced some friends into dropping me off near Blewett pass. From there I’ll head north and then east, following backroads through the channeled scablands of Eastern Washington. The plan is… Continue reading Idaho or Bust
Impulse Ride
Today I had a sudden impulse to go on a long bike ride, so I rode from home to Redmond via Issaquah and the East Lake Samammish trail. It was a typical gray, moist November day, but pretty warm and not too soggy. I went 28 miles in two hours, for an average speed of… Continue reading Impulse Ride
Return to Carbon River
Over the weekend of August 2-5, I had a free 3-day weekend and I decided to ride up the Carbon River near Mt. Rainier and do some scrambling, somewhat retracing another trip I had done several years ago. This time my plan was to ride to Ipsut camp at the end of the Carbon River… Continue reading Return to Carbon River
A Canadian 4th
On July 4th, Amie & defected to Canada and went on a bike trip. We have some friends that live on Vancouver Island in the town of Bowser, a bit north of Naniamo. We have been meaning to visit them for several years, and have been meaning to go on a bike camping trip for… Continue reading A Canadian 4th
STP Aftermath
When you ride your bike to Portland in the STP, how do you get your bike back to Seattle? Now we know. Close-up view: