Over the past few months I have been tinkering with a wondrous piece of software called Music Player Daemon, or MPD. The concept of MPD is pretty simple, it is just a service that runs in the background on a Linux or Windows box and plays music in a playlist until it reaches the end… Continue reading The Wonders of Music Player Daemon (MPD)
Category: Projects
Spring Cleaning
Other than the Mexico trip, my blog has been pretty neglected over the past several months because I have been busy with some spring cleaning; both physical cleaning and virtual cleaning. First, I totally cleaned out and re-arranged my studio out in the barn. This was a much needed exercise; the new arrangement is a… Continue reading Spring Cleaning
Outdoor Clawfoot Operational
Our new outdoor clawfoot tub is now operational! We had an old clawfoot tub sitting out in the barn for about a year, while we tried to find the time and means to hook it up. The tub was acquired via Craigslist, from someone in Rainier Valley not too far away from here, and just… Continue reading Outdoor Clawfoot Operational